Home Opinion Artificial Intelligence, A Threatening or Useful Technology for Human Beings

Artificial Intelligence, A Threatening or Useful Technology for Human Beings

by gratesbb

Artificial Intelligence still has pros and cons. Some people agree to use Artificial Intelligence since this technology helps them to do various tasks. Their life seems to be easier because of AI.

In contrast, others think that Artificial Intelligence is a threat since this technology can do many things that people can. It means that they will lose jobs because companies replace them with AI. Here are some opinions about Artificial Intelligence that are claimed will replace the role of human beings.

People Who Agree with the Use of Artificial Intelligence

As the smartest technology on earth now, Artificial Intelligence can learn new knowledge and skills faster. Some people think that it will be beneficial so AI can help with their tasks. For example, nowadays you don’t need to think too long to find a specific idea. Just ask for some AI-based applications and new ideas will be ready within a few seconds.

Artificial Intelligence even can help you to write articles, formal letters, news for specific topics, and many more. In the next development, AI-based applications can help you to turn a text, or we call it a prompt into images, audio, animations, and others. This technology can help you no matter what your job is, whether a writer, editor, content creator, marketer, or others.

People who agree with the use of AI seem to enjoy cooperating with it since this technology always gives a good idea and suggestions. Companies also feel the benefits of applying AI-based programs which employees can work well and more efficiently. Employees only need to give a specific command to the programs and let AI help them to complete the tasks.

For the simplest example, homeowners who are using AI-based smart gadgets can enjoy their time at home more than before. Imagine that they can ask AI to turn on their favorite music, prepare and remind them of their schedule, cook some meals, and many more. Some gadgets even work with commands. It means that you can operate the gadgets while sitting on the sofa or lying on the bed.

For an extreme example, a company is creating a virtual character that looks real. AI can help this company to bring a virtual character alive and even more popular than a human. Nowadays, you can see some virtual characters who work as content creators and entertainers on social media.

People Who Disagree with the Use of Artificial Intelligence

Not all people agree with the use of Artificial Intelligence. They think that this technology is a threat to human beings. One of the reasons is that Artificial Intelligence may replace humans in doing some work.

For instance, companies may use AI-based technologies to create marketing materials, images, and things other than hiring an employee. It is because AI can accomplish tasks faster and more efficiently. Day by day AI is also more impressive and this technology can accomplish specific tasks accurately.

Indeed, companies will think about giving their money to invest in AI-based technologies instead of hiring employees. It seems that using AI can be a profitable long-term investment for companies. Others disagree with the use of AI because this technology needs more energy compared to regular machines or technologies.

They claim that a company will increase its energy consumption only to install and operate the latest AI models. Imagine how much energy would be used if more companies decided to use AI. An autopilot vehicle is also an example of why some people disagree with using AI.

People who work as drivers will lose their jobs once companies release autopilot vehicles. An autopilot vehicle is an AI-based vehicle that can drive itself without a driver. Users must only give a specific command such as the destination and let the vehicle go there by itself.

Drivers who need a rest or are sleepy can turn the manual driving mode into the automatic driving mode. Some delivery companies have applied this idea when they try to deliver a package using an autopilot vehicle. Surprisingly, the autopilot vehicle can deliver packages to the right address safely and on time.

It seems that people can use AI with specific limitations. As a result, AI will only work to help people and not replace them. The truth is that AI-based technologies help humans to do their daily tasks and jobs better than before.

Indeed, the development of technologies is great since it improves the functions of the technology based on the needs. Yet, experts also must ensure that the development of technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, doesn’t threaten human beings. In the end, humans can get more benefits with the existence of technology, including AI.  

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